Ryan Stolliker

Backend and Mobile focused Software Engineer with 6 years of experience building AI-powered features and scalable infrastructure at Meta, Quantcast, and Google.

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Software Engineer, Meta - December 2023 to Present

  • As part of the Personalized AI Capabilities team at Meta Reality Labs, developed features that added individualized context to AI interactions on wearable devices.
  • Contributed to launch of Reminders feature for Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses, announced at Meta Connect 2024, working with Kotlin on the Android version of Meta Wearables App.
  • Implemented features around synching reminders and associated media, providing a consistent experience across devices and when reinstalling.
  • Added metrics logging for reminders operations to track usage analytics, end-to-end latency, and error rates.
  • Integrated user contact embeddings to refine personalized voice recognition when searching for contacts, enhancing accuracy and ease of use.

Software Engineer, Quantcast - June 2018 to March 2023

  • Member of Common Tools and Services team building and maintaining internal applications to support other teams.
  • Wrote Ruby on Rails service that takes parameters from a React UI or GraphQL API and turns them into a group of configured Kubernetes objects providing users easy access to hosting, DNS, monitoring, logging, Vault secrets integration, and rollbacks, eventually responsible for running nearly a thousand user services.
  • Contributed to existing Rails project for managing and monitoring cronjob tasks, including improving page load times via PostgreSQL query optimizations and stability bugfixes.
  • Created Python application for the automated, scheduled, non-disruptive termination of Kubernetes nodes, which later was revisited to tailor to other teams' unique use cases and for cycling out old nodes during cluster migrations.
  • Migrated a legacy in-house user login Java service to Okta, providing additional security to users and reducing oncall tickets by roughly 10 per week.
  • Upgraded Kubernetes cluster versions five times, including both migrations to separate clusters where services had to be moved by me with a seamless switchover as well as Amazon EKS in-place upgrades, every time requiring proactive communication with other teams about API deprecations and deployment windows resulting in little-to-no downtime.
  • Maintained installations of 3rd party and vendored services, including Github Enterprise, Graylog, Sourcegraph, ArgoCD, Istio, among others.


University of California, Irvine

  • Graduated June 2018
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with specializations in Information and Networked Systems
  • GPA 3.6, Dean's Honor Roll received 7 times
  • ARCS Scholar 2015
  • Relevant cousework: algorithms and data structures, databases, information retrieval, operating systems, networks, coding in C++, Python, and Java, practiced pair programming


Programming Languages

  • Kotlin
  • Python
  • Ruby (on Rails)
  • Java
  • C++

Systems and Technologies

  • Android
  • AI Integrations
  • Kubernetes
  • Amazon EKS
  • Terraform
  • Jenkins